31 December 1993
Commercial Item Description (CID)
Self Generating Nitrogen Servicing Cart (SGNSC).
CID Contains Appendix A, B & C
This CID covers a SGNSC which can be towed over unimproved surfaces and transported by
helicopter and fixed wing aircraft. It will be used to produce 95% pure nitrogen gas at 5000 pounds
per square inch gage (psig) at a rate of 1511 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm). The nitrogen gas
will be used to service tires, struts, accumulators, and to fill external receivers. A bid sample test is
required of the offeror. This CID contains Appendix A, Bid Sample Test Requirements; Appendix B,
Bid Sample Test Report Requirements; and Appendix C, Certificate Format.
1. Construction. The SGNSC shall withstand the stress, strain, shock, and vibration incident to
operation, shipment, towing, sling loading under a helicopter and lifting by forklift. It shall have
asbestos-free drum type brakes activated by a lever. It shall be a self-contained, enclosed, four wheel,
towable cart which shall not exceed the following size and weight:
a. Size: 90 inches (in) long (tow bar up/stowed), 66 (in) wide, and 62 (in) high.
b. Weight: 4000 pounds (lb) with fuel, coolant, and oil at fill levels.
Electrical. The SGNSC shall use the best commercial practice electrical/elelectronic materials,
components, and safety codes.
Ground mobility.
a. The SGNSC shall meet the mobility requirements of MIL-M-8090, Type H, Class II,
Group C.
b. The SGNSC shall have the capability for being lifted by standard fork lift equipment.
Beneficial comments, recommendations, additions, clarification, and/or any other data which may
improve this document, should be sent to SA-ALC/TILDD; 485 Quentin Roosevelt; Kelly AFB,
TX 78241-6425.
FSC 3655
DISTRIBUTI0N STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
For Parts Inquires call Parts Hangar, Inc (727) 493-0744
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