f. Winds up to 45 miles per hour
g. Rain, including blowing rain.
When the bid sample is tested in accordance with Appendix A, the SGNSC shall meet the
following nitrogen gas production and quality requirements at altitudes up to 5000 feet:
Production requirements:
(1) Pressure: 5000 psig.
(2) Nitrogen gas production rate: 15 + 1 scfm.
(3) Stored nitrogen: 200 standard cubic feet (scf) at 5000 psig within 20 minutes of
the membrane reaching operating temperature.
b. Quality Requirements:
(1) Minimum purity: .95% nitrogen gas by volume excluding other inert gases.
(2) Hydrocarbon content: Less than 50 parts per million by volume as methane.
(3) Nitrogen dryness: Atmospheric dew point of -65 F (less than
26.3 ppm water vapor by volume of gas as it enters the receiver).
(4) Particulate contamination: Less than 25 microns size using 5 or less micron filter
at or close to the nitrogen gas receiver.
The operating temperature range of the SGSNC shall be -40 F to +130°F at altitudes up to
5000 (8) feet above sea level.
Nitrogen receivers.
a. Nitrogen storage capacities. High pressure gas storage of at least 600 scf at 5000 psig.
Receivers shall be Department of Transportation (DOT), Type DOT 3AA. The receiver material
shall permit the safe filling of receivers at temperatures of -20°F and colder.
b. Stored nitrogen: minimum of 200 scf at 5000 psig available within 20 minutes of
nitrogen system engagement between the temperature of -25 F and +125°F without external
c. There shall be a manual method to isolate all receivers for system operation and
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