MIL-G-8968(ASG) Pressure relief devices. - Pressure relief devices shall be provided in
any line or component that can be so isolated by closing valves, dead-ending, or other-
wise, that dangerous pressures could develop. Relief valves shall be provided for
normal relief of pressure. All pressure relief devices shall be installed in readily
accessible locations, Provisions shall be incorporated, however, to insure that the
discharge of pressure may be accomplished without (a) damage to equipment or hazard to
personnel and (b) creating fog where it will obscure controls, instruments of fittings
requiring the attention of' the operator or maintenance personnel. Safety valves shall
be sized in accordance with the ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code and selected from
the list published in the "Safety Valves and Relief Valves approved by the National
Board. Blow out-type safety heads. - Blow out-type safety heads may be provided
where pressure will not normally have to be relieved, but where protection is neces-
sary, such as for the air processing and separation insulated casings. Guards. - Moving parts such as belts, chains, gears, linkages, and
connecting rods shall be provided with guards which will prevent accidental contact
by personnel. The guards shall be constructed to permit access for inspection of
enclosed equipment, and to permit ready removal when necessary for maintenance or
repair. Sharp edges. - Sharp edges, projections, and hinged devices with
hazardous characteristics shall be avoided. Safety devices. - Safety devices shall be installed on the air source
assembly, automatic shutdown or visible, to preclude damage to the engine if abnormal
operating conditions exceeding those specified by the manufacturer occur. An inter-
lock shall also be provided in the engine starting circuit to prevent initiation of
start sequence until air inlet door is secured in open position. Cleaning solvent drains. - Provisions shall be included to insure that
cleaning solvents and flushing liquids can be readily and thoroughly removed from the
columns, heat exchangers, associated components, and from the piping and connections
following cleaning operations. The use of readily removable and replaceable threaded
plugs or similar devices in locations where it would be impractical to provide drain
valves will be acceptable. Noise suppression. - Noise attenuation, suppression, and silencing
equipment and provisions shall be included to the maximum practicable extent to per- .
mit continuous operator attendance without detrimental effects on personnel health. Lacking devices. - All screws, pins, and bolts shall be equipped with
locking devices. Safety wire, self-locking nuts, cotter pins, and lockwashers will
be acceptable, Where practicable, lockwashers shall be secured-to bolts or screws.
Safety wire and cotter pins shall be fabricated from corrosion-resistant steel or
other corrosion-resistant material.
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