(a) Air, surface, or water transportation to an advance or remote
tactical air base under emergency conditions
(b) Being quickly set up and put into service to generate and deliver
high purity liquid oxygen and nitrogen on any reasonably level
ground in the vicinity of the air base without prior site
preparation other than a removal of rock and foilage and, if
required, the installation of M-2 plating or other temporary
construction material to serve as level foundation or `pad where
ground texture will net properly support the weight of the plant
during periods of adverse weather conditions
(c) Delivering liquid oxygen or liquid nitrogen through transfer hoses
into receiving tanks requiring a maximum of 5 psi for transfer and
(d) Protecting the generating plant and the operating personnel under
the environmental conditions specified herein
(e) Being quickly shut down and readied for movement to a new tactical
(f) Being operated, maintained, and repaired military personnel
the requirements of MIL-M-8090 as specified in type III, group C mobility. All pri-
mary instrumentation and primary controls required for normal operation shall be
located on one operating side of the trailer and shall be designed for operation from
the ground level. Access to the operator's control panel and to the other components
requiring service or maintenance shall be provided through readily open and closed
weather-protective doors or panels.
3.5.3 Reliability. - The generating plant shall have a mean-time-between-
failures (MTBF) of not less than 240 hours of continuous, full capacity, production
at not less than 0.60 confidence. A failure is defined for the present purpose as
any malfunction or breakdown that could prevent satisfactory performance within the'
limits specified herein or that could prevent safe operation for the primary functions
of producting and delivering at rated capacity liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen meet-
ing the requirements specified herein. Malfunctions that do not interfere with per-
forming the required functions of producing and delivering at rated capacity liquid
oxygen and liquid nitrogen meeting the requirements specified herein, such as a loose
bolt in a non-critical application, need not be counted as reliability failures,
3.5.4 Construction, - The generating plant shall be constructed to withstand
the strains, shocks, vibrations, and other detrimental conditions incident to opera-
tion, maintenance, shipping, and storage with minimum loss of service the for main-
tenance, repair, and periodic servicing. Provisions shall be incorporated to insure
protection for the equipment from damage that might occur as a result of temperature
variations and stresses occurring during operation and transport.
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business