MIL-G-8968(ASG) Lifting eyes. - Lifting eyes or other hoisting attachments shall be
so provided on heavy components tnat they may be readily removed from or replaced on
the trailer with overhead hoisting facilities. Insofar as it is practicable, all
individual components shall be located and installed to permit their removal without
removing other components. Tiedown provisions. - The generating plant trailer body frame struct-
ure shall be provided with sockets for attachment of tiedown rings confirming to
drawing 4936564 and drawing 48B7796 to insure safe and secure tiedown for transport
by railroad, aircraft, highway carrier, or ship when it is subjected to the accelera-
tion forces specified in and The number and location of sockets
shall be such as to insure tiedown in all directions (both sides, front, and rear)
and in any case shall include one near each corner of the body. A tiedown ring con-
forming to drawing 48B7796 shall be installed in each socket. Towing tractor compatibility. - The generating plant shall be designed
to permit use with, and prevent damage to the running gear and other components from
use with, towing tractors having pintle hooks from 10 through 36 inches above ground
level and requiring up to 48 inches sideways from the pintle hook to clear the
tractor wheels during short turns or backing. Pushing provisions. - The generating plant shall be designed to include
provisions for permitting use of a vehicle behind the generating plant to push from
the rear in assisting the traversing of difficult terrain, deep mud, or sand.
3.5.10 Winterization provisions. - The generating plant shall be designed to
operate without the use of external 0 or special winterization provisions in any ambient
temperature between -30° F and 125 F. The design shall provide for detachable
weather shelter and heating when necessary for operating personnel working under these
temperature; conditions. The design shall also permit and provide for use of external
heaters as specified by the procuring activity for starting and operating if necessary
in ambient temperature down to and including -65°F. Oil dilution. - Oil dilution shall not be an acceptable winterization
3.5.11 Supplies. - The generating plant shall not require operating supplies
other than fuel, atmospheric air, lubricants, chemical and calibration gas for pro-
duct analysis and spare parts for maintenance and repair, and the necessary tools.
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